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  5. Appointment Settings

Appointment Settings

Appointments are a crucial part of any business you want to grow. You will certainly need Appointment section in the modules which you have opted for.

  • Enable in Enquiry – This will enable Appointment sub-section in Enquiry module, where you can specify an appointment for specific records which is opened.
  • Enable in Quotation- This will enable Appointment sub-section in Quotation module, where you can specify an appointment for specific records which is opened. It important to have appointment when you have sent a Quotation to the customer.

This is very much same to the rest of the settings like the Proforma and Sales.

  • Enable Product in Appointment – This is valid for certain scenarios where, you will need product when you are adding an appointment which lets you know the product before hand and before connecting with client.
  • Enable Auto SMS/Email in Sales Appointment – This is an optional settings which when enable will send SMS/Email based on the settings enabled to the customer for pre-defined appointment schedule.
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