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A sale is a transaction between two or more parties in which the buyer receives tangible or intangible goods, services, or assets in exchange for money. In some cases, other assets are paid to a seller. In the financial markets, a sale can also refer to an agreement that a buyer and seller make regarding the price of a security.

Regardless of the context, a sale is essentially a contract between the buyer and the seller of the particular good or service in question.

A sale determines that the seller provides the buyer with a good or service in exchange for a specific amount of money or specified assets. To complete a sale, both the buyer and the seller have to be considered to be competent enough to make the transaction. They also have to be in agreement regarding the specific terms of the sale.

In addition, the good or service that is being offered has to actually be available to purchase, and the seller has to have the authority to transfer the item or service to the buyer.

Modules included in this module. We haven’t shown Product as it is a default sub-section without which Sales is incomplete.

Here user can see the list of records already present in that form. Some common options like Excel export, PDF export, Filters, Detail view of Sales, bulk delete are provided here. These buttons/options are visible only when the permissions or settings are enabled.

Some fields in list are editable from list also, such as Status, source, Stage, Branch, Assigned to. Even these fields are editable only when certain permissions related to the fields are granted to the user else these are non-editable fields.

In this page project, company, proforma title, proforma number, Date, Customer name, Subject, reference, Currency details (will be visible when enabled in settings), Discount details, place of supply, Shipping address, SEZ, EPZ (will be visible if you enable and grant a permission to users), Printing options, Product details are entered.

Company field will be visible only when you have enabled Multi-company in Company Details and on top of that, if it is enabled in Proforma module.

Sales/Invoice Number is a custom number field. This field will be visible when the Custom number is enabled in Proforma Settings module. This is useful if you don’t want to use system generated sequence number instead if you want to continue with your own previous sequence number. This field will reset to 1 when the Financial year changes.

Similarly, SEZ & EPZ are too settings based and they are useful if you dealing with SEZ or EPZ based customers where, calculations are affected as Taxes vary when they are enabled.

Approval fields will be visible only when One or Two Approval mechanisms are enabled.

Reset of the fields are quite self-explanatory.

The fields which are visible here may not be visible to you since these are settings dependent fields. They may be kept disabled or hidden as it not important to your business flow.

Now when you click the New Product button, it invoke a new window as shown below –

Product field will allow you to select a Product from Product Master which is already defined. This will also populate the required fields and yes, you modify that too.

Code field will also work in the same way. Product and Code can used interchangeably. The action to this field is very much similar.

Barcode field will allow you to add the product using a Barcode attached to a product. This will reduce your mouse clicks and tabs. This will perform the same action as that of Product and Code field.

Reset of the fields like Quantity, MRP, Base price, Fright, Fin, Disc. %, Amt,  Tax details, Currency details, Warranty details can be set by the user based on his/her business needs. These fields will be visible only when the settings or permissions are allotted to the user.

Along with this, in this dialog, you have option for Currency Conversion, Purchase History for the selected product, Godown details of selected product, options are provided. Also, provision given for select product condition and grade. (linked to product Grade master)

In this block, you have all the reference fields for module like Enquiry, Quotation, Challan, Sales Order and Purchase Order. These fields will be automatically populated when you move an entry to Sales. Say, if you move an entry from Enquiry to Sales, then Enquiry Number and Date will auto populated. Enquiry Number or any other numbers related to modules are setting dependent. If the Custom number setting is enabled in respective settings of module then, based on the setting the number will be populated.

E-Way Details should be added if you are using GST [Indian Continent] settings in Company Details.

Rest all the fields are pretty self-explanatory.

The follow-up section, consist of a grid or table like structure. When you click New Follow-up button, this will invoke a new dialog as shown above. Here, the user can specify the title and details about the follow-up task. Finally, you can set the user, date and status for the same.

The appointment section, consist of a grid or table like structure. When you click New Appointment button, this will invoke a new dialog as shown above. Here, the user can specify the title and details about the Appointment task. Finally, you can set the user, date and status for the same.

Recurring section is used to create the Sales wrt Frequency specified. This feature can be used if you have recurring customer with same products. This will automate the process and instruct the Nafhaa Engine to automatically create the same without any user intervention.

Next the Cashbook tab using which you add and entry to Cashbook regarding the Payment received by the customer against the Sales Invoice and the same can be done by enabling the switch as Link with Transaction. Cashbook dialog or window is very much the same as we have seen in actual Cashbook module.

This section is visible under DMS Tab in Sales. To view and use the same you will need to enable in from Company Details under Settings tab.

This section will allow the user additional documents if needed and they have exhausted the four attachment fields that are provided. This will link the upload data with the Sales entry.

  • BID Number will allow the user to specify the sequence number for the received BID.
  • Reverse Auction Number will allow the user to specify the RA number which is generated.
  • BID Start, End, Open and Quoted Date fields will allow the user to specify the required dates for the BIDs to process.
  • BID Quoted Status, Financial Status Result fields will allow the user to specify thy status of Quote along with the Financial Status and finally with the results status for the BID. This will allow the user to manage the BID.
  • L1 Price, Brand Quoted by L1 and L1 Name deals with the pricing, brand assigned to BID and finally, the name of L1 person or entity who is handling the details related details for L1 Biding.
  • L2 Price, Brand Quoted by L2 and L2 Name deals with the pricing, brand assigned to BID and finally, the name of L2 person or entity who is handling the details related details for L2 Biding.
  • BID Installation fields will allow the user to set the conditions or status of the BID.
  • Inspection fields will allow the user to set the status of inspection if required.
  • Export Performance Bank Guarantee (EPBG) field will allow the user to specify related amount and refund status.
  • Ernest Money Deposit (EMD) field will allow the user to specify related amount and refund status.
  • Tender Fees as the same is quite self explanatory and deals with fields where the user can specify the amount and refund status field.

BID Management Tab will be visible only when, settings are enabled. This feature is Business specific and it is not available in general sales flow.

Installment Tab

Installment tab will allow the user, to mark the payment made against the Sales Invoice and a direct entry is made to Cashbook module when, paid check-box is checked. Finally, the user will be able to print the receipt generated against the installment received.

Following are the list of settings attached to Sales Module:

Remove Round up
Remove Packing
Remove Freight
Remove Due Date
Remove Dispatch in Sales
Remove GST Details
Remove Follow=up
Remove Terms
Remove Advance
Remove Stage
Remove Code
Remove Serial numbering
Remove Discount
Remove Tax Details
Remove description
Enable for Stock Transfer
Hide description in Sales
Enable custom Invoice Numbering
Enable Invoice Discount
Enable Labour
Hide tax column in Sales Print
Hide Total tax
Enable followup amount check
Enable OTP Validation
Enable Check and forward
Hide Invoice Type in Sales
Hide Place of Supply
Hide reference no and date fields
Hide installment
Hide followup
Hide credit log
Remove default footer
Enable Signature
Enable Grade
Enable Category
Make warranty Compulsory in Invoice and Proforma
Enable Auto Outstanding EMail
Enable QR Code for payment
Hide warranty Details
Enable Bid Management in sales
Enable Auto Mail To Vendor after Sales Approval
Enable existing contacts in POS
Hide number of lines in sales
Hide shipping Address in sales
Hide SMS EMail button in sales
Hide availability in Sales
Hide note Tab in Sales
Hide Code in Sales
Hide serial in Sales
Hide MRP in sales
Hide base price in Sales
Enable Auto Mail To Customer On Approval in sales
Auto GST inclusive in sales
Enable H-Form in sales
Hide contact person
Enable Types of Sales
Hide Product
Enable Vendor
Enable extra details
Enable Vehicle No in sales
Enable Additional description in sales Products
Enable No of training in sales
Make products mandatory
Auto generate serial no in sales product
Enable Port of Loading, Port of Discharge And Carriage By
Enable Eway bill generation in sales
Enable LR No
Enable current outstanding amount in sales print
Enable Title of Invoice
Enable Attachment
Enable Triplicate print in sales
Make Auto challan for Free Item
Enable TCS in sales
Hide Phone in POS
Enable AutoMail Credit Due
Enable Commision sales
Auto Select vender
Enable Default Assignee For First Approval in sales
First Approval should be assigned to
Enable E-Commerce Channel in Sales
Set Sale Price as per Purchase
Enable Quantity in Case and Nos in sales
Enable schemes in sales
Enable Discounted VAT calculations in sales
Enable FoC in sales
Enable Display MRP in sales
Make source field required in Sales
Enable Product Sub Division in Sales
Make discount percentage ReadOnly for sales
Auto Set Assigned To of Contacts in Sales
Sale Type
Enable paid Amount in Sales
Enable Sales deduction Type
Enable Sales Term from Master
Enable Multi Assign in Sales
Show Id in sales
Enable Customer payment term in sales

Generalized flow of Sales Module

First In First Out (FIFO) Mechanism For Stock

This is new feature added in Sales module. Generally in some of business the First Come stock will be Consumed First. FIFO means the company sells the oldest stock first and the newest will be the last one to go for sale.

To incorporate this functionality in Nafhaa setting is given in Products settings as shown below.

Lets see how it works:

  • While purchasing products, serial number must be generated, so that these serial numbers can be used for Sales FIFO methodology.
  • Purchase serials can be generated through the setting: EnableBarcodeGenerationInPurchase. It indicates when purchase record created with 5 quantity then 5 serial number will be generated.
  • While sale for the same products, it will fetch list of Purchase Serials for product and as per quantity requirement it will be used.
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