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  4. Version: S125 – Release: 11-04-2022

Version: S125 – Release: 11-04-2022

New ✨

Enhancement 🥏

  • Following enhancements has been done

Enhancement in Ticket:

  • Loyalty Program functionality: All functionality for this feature has been tested. Some additional changes also done in this feature. In Sales Invoice and Loyalty Point management added Remark field to record the Point consumption detail (i.e. reference of Sales invoice and no. of points).
  • FIFO stock management: Added setting : EnableFIFO: in product settings. If this setting is On then product sold in First In First Out (FIFO) manner with the reference of serial number generated.
  • Asset management document has been added in Help Portal
  • Account Dashboard Design has been changed.
  • If one of the module permission is not given and that module reference found in another transactional modul with InPlace button to add new record, user can add the data. This has been cross checked and restricted user to show “InPlace” button for such modules.
  • Added new fields in Confirmation Voucher: Confirmed By, Purchase Rate, Client Rate and Vendor.

Fixed 🐞

  • CMS Issue No: 3119: In desktop application, product description is having character limit of 800 characters only. Not accepting more data : Fixed.
  • CMS Issue No: 3122: In enquiry module, for products currency is auto applying by default AED i.e ID1 which is carry forwarding as it is to next moved record like quotation etc. For ref, screenshot attached captured from quotation moved from enquiry: Fixed,
  • CMS Issue No: 3123: In quotation-, if currency is enabled and base & to currency is same,then conversion rate is calculating wrong. : Fixed.
  • CMS Issue No.: 3124: In Sales Order, financial filter is not working. If we apply any filter, records remain same. – Fixed.
  • CMS Issue No.:3130: From my dashboard, pending PO notification is showing error of page not reached .: – Fixed.
  • CMS Issue No:3136: Unable to open any product from any modules’s detailed view.Getting error of invalid column error. – Fixed.
  • In My Dashboard, today’s date not considering for Counts. – This issue has been fixed.
  • For new DB, IsCancel error coming for POS saving: This has been fixed.
  • In cashBook Payment button visible in new mode : This has been fixed.
  • Stage is resetting while opening the sales record opening: This has been fixed.
  • In Dashboard incorrect data coming for today’s followup: This has been fixed.
  • In Enquiry repository file some validations are given. But for Desktop version, due to that validations user cant identify the exact issue. So these validations has been moved from Repository to Dialog file. Same has been done with Quotation module.
  • Page Bookmark not working core : This has been fixed.
  • Desktop App: While opening Contact Menu getting issue : This has been fixed.
  • EnquiryQuotation: Pipeline module was not working. Link was also not present in Core. This issue has been fixed.
  • Download button in Sales Grid not working: Fixed.
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