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  4. Version: S109 – Release: 20-12-2021

Version: S109 – Release: 20-12-2021

New ✨

  • The major change done from this Sprint is “Companywise Stock Flow”. For making this changes while creating Products record, Branchwise Opening Stock is recorded. This all will be based on Settings- “EnableBranchwiseOpeningStock” in Products Settings. If setting on then only the Branchwise opening stock section will be displayed.

Enhancement 🥏

  • Previously in Stock Transfer module only Branch to Branch stock transfer is considered. But now Companywise , Branchwise stock transfer enabled. So that for multiple companies, it will be easy to transfer companywise stock transfer. To enable this feature, “EnableCompanywiseStockTransfer” setting from Stock Transfer needs to ON.
  • This stock value will take affect while doing transaction entry at Sales, Challan etc. It is also not compulsory. The stock will be checked only when “EnableBranchwiseOpeningStock” and “EnableStrictInventory” settings ON.
  • In POS module changes also done for same,

Fixed 🐞

  • In Branchwise stock report, even if Admin user logged in, unable to change company. Due to this Admin user also not able to see other branch stock. Now this has been fixed. Also companywise branch is filtered.
  • If database is new (blank) then showing error while saving record in Contacts Settings.
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